The picture shows a plaster cast of an original sculpture in walnut representing the Nativity of Jesus, realized around 1460 by an unknown master; he is usually called the “Master of the altarpiece of the Chartreuse”, because the sculpture was originally part of an altarpiece kept in the church of the Chartreuse in Strasbourg. It was later moved in 1591 to the church of the Chartreuse in Molsheim, before being dismantled in 1693. Today the original sculpture is kept in the Musée de l’Œuvre Notre-Dame in Strasbourg, while the plaster cast is property of the Fondation de l’Œuvre Notre-Dame (yep, that’s different).
The style show a very heavy influence from Dutch painters from the first generation, at the point it has been supposed that the sculpture was imported from there. It is especially close to the realization of workshops in Utrecht at the same period. There is also some point of comparison with the style of Master E.S.
The funny part is that this shepherd is in adoration, but not of Jesus at all, whom he doesn’t care at all, but rather of the angel beside him.
Tools and exifs:
- Canon EOS 50D + Canon 18-200mm
- 140mm
- 1/80 s.
- f/5.6
- ISO 800
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